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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Iggy's Reckin's Ball System : Nintendo 64 Date Added : 2005-05-07 11:43:32 Views : 24574 Play as Banjo and Kazooie On the Title Screen, press B, A, L, L, Z (BALLZ). This will let you control two different characters named Banjo and Kazooie. Banjo has an extra long grappling line and Kazooie can jump super high. Bonus Character To access a secret character without winning, press Z, A, L, R on the player selection screen. Refill Boost Meter Tap JUMP while on a boost platform to refill your boost meter. Cheat Menu To get this codes go to the beggining screen and press R and Z you will now have the cheat menu where you can type in cheats. CODE: EFFECT: THEUNIVERSE All Tracks HAPPYHEADS All hidden players except Iggy's girlfriend 2TIMES Rollerball last twice as long as usual GOOEYGOOGOO Gooey Platforms JUMPAROUND Level Select at Pause Menu ICEPRINCESS Ice Platforms SWOPSHOP Mix Two Characters GOBABY Full turbos TOOMUCHPIE Fat Reckin' Balls NONSTOP Non-stop roller ball 2ROKTOO Use the Turok 2 effects engine ROLFHARRIS Pen and ink mode MICROBALLS Tiny Reckin' Balls GOOEYICEPRENCESS Gooey and Ice platforms Bonus Character To access a secret character without winning, press Z, A, L, R on the player selection screen. Secret Characters Here is how to get some of the secret characters: Skully - Win first place on all the races in "Downtown" En-Tee-1 - Win first place on all the races in "Candyland" I-Ball - Win first place on all the races in "The Deep" J.R. - Win first place on all the races in "Soft Sun Bay" T'Basco - Win fist place on all the races in "Funktown" SNO-EEE - Win fist place on all the races in "Tetricity" Cecil - Win first on all the races in "Soft Sun Canyon" Mask - Win first place on every race in "Patchwork" Secret Levels Place first in every race on Downtown, Candyland, The Deep, and Soft Sun Bay to get the secret level, "Funktown". Win first place on every race in Funktown to get "Tetricity". Win first place on every race in Tetricity to get "Soft Sun Canyon". Win first place on every race in Soft Sun Canyon to get "Patchwork". Win first place on every race in Patchwork to get "Kiki Woods". Smart Comments At the character select screen, go to any character and hold left or right and that character will make a smart comment about the person its looking at. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Iggy's Reckin's Ball cheat codes.
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